The PATHS Method: Examining the 'T'​ for Take Action

The ‘T’ in the PATHS method stands for Take Action and is the third step in advancing diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives in the workplace. In this article, we will dive deep into the ‘T’ of the PATHS method and examine the importance of taking meaningful steps to promote inclusivity and address barriers to justice.

Taking action is a crucial step toward creating a more inclusive workplace. This step involves implementing employee training programs, changing HR policies, and promoting diverse representation in leadership positions. The objective of taking action is to address any areas for improvement identified through the assessment step and make real changes to advance D&I within the organization.

One key action that organizations can take is to implement employee training programs. These programs can help employees understand and appreciate different perspectives and experiences while also developing skills to promote a more inclusive workplace. The training can be customized to specific groups, such as managers or employees in certain departments, to ensure that everyone is receiving the support they need to promote D&I.

Another key action is to change HR policies to ensure that they are promoting inclusivity. This may involve implementing policies such as flexible work arrangements, parental leave, and diversity recruiting efforts. It is important to ensure that these policies are inclusive for all employees, regardless of their background or identity.

Promoting diverse representation in leadership positions is also an important action that organizations can take. This can help to ensure that a diverse range of perspectives and experiences are represented at the decision-making level and can help to create a more inclusive workplace culture. It is important to develop a plan to increase representation and to be intentional about identifying and developing a pipeline of diverse talent.

It is also important to take action to address any barriers to equality that may be present in the workplace. This may involve addressing systemic issues such as bias in hiring or promotion processes or addressing microaggressions or other forms of discrimination that may be impacting employees. It is important to have a plan in place to address these issues and to work closely with employees to ensure that they feel supported and heard.

In conclusion, the ‘T’ in the PATHS method is a critical step towards advancing D&I initiatives in the workplace. Taking meaningful action to promote inclusivity and address barriers to equality is crucial in creating a workplace culture that values and supports all employees. By implementing employee training programs, changing HR policies, promoting diverse representation in leadership positions, and addressing barriers to equality, organizations can create a more inclusive workplace that benefits everyone.